Everlasting summer alisa
Everlasting summer alisa

everlasting summer alisa

Big Damn Kiss: Semyon and Alisa kiss in the latter's ending during the modern era's winter season.Also, don’t mention or even look at Lena, until the Harem Ending. Berserk Button: Never, ever, EVER call her Dva-cheh.Bare Your Midriff: Her midriff is exposed, as a result of tying her uniform in this manner.Attention Whore: Unless you go through her route and realize she’s just lonely and jealous of Lena.But see his Alternate Self Pioneer.Ī rebellious Young Pioneer who'd rather be anywhere else but Sovyonok. Wouldn't Hit a Girl: This man wouldn't.

everlasting summer alisa

It's also at that time when there's nobody else in the entire camp except for these two.

  • Two-Person Pool Party: In Yulya's route, she and Semyon spend time bathing in the lake, with the girl seductively hugging him from behind.
  • This Loser Is You: In a visual novel originating from the Russian Image Boards Iichan and 2ch, the protagonist is a lonely thirtysomething otaku with no friends or prospects who spends his days traversing those same image boards.
  • Sleep Cute: Semyon could do this with Lena in the latter's route, with both sleeping by resting their heads on each others' shoulders.
  • You'd never know it was him if his "Pioneer" speaking tag wasn't the protagonist shade of green, though. He finds Zhenya, helps her find the way back to her beloved version of Semyon, and leaves him with some parting advice to help his Heel≯ace Turn.

    everlasting summer alisa

    Save the Villain: In the Zhenya route, Semyon returns to Sovyonik to help Zhenya and his last trapped incarnation escape from the cycle.He spends an inordinate amount of time trolling imageboard threads and has never engaged with the world. Otaku: Semyon makes anime references even in 1980s Soviet Russia.Not counting multiple cycles and, potentially, entire lifetimes spent in alternate universes. Older than They Look: A twenty-to-thirty-something note Considering that he was born in the USSR, but was too young to ever join Little Octobrists, it was somewhere from 1984 to 1991.Justified in that he is stuck in a bizarre situation and has never been good with people. Oblivious to Love: Inside of a week, he manages to get the attention of multiple teenage girls.

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  • Marry Them All: Arguably the canon ending, as the girls remember all their previous experiences, even full lifetimes spent loving and being loved by Semyon and decide to team up to save him from the never-ending cycles.
  • Mind you, this is not the typical example of the trope, as it's the girl who's resting her head on the boy's lap.
  • Lap Pillow: Happens in Yulya's ending with Semyon.
  • The irony of having to go to a teenage camp in Soviet Russia to learn to deal with adulthood in modern Russia is not lost on him either.
  • Manchild: The whole point of this entire game is breaking Semyon and his iterations out of this.
  • Just check out his abs in the Slavya route.
  • Geek Physiques: Averted, Semyon looks totally average as an adult.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Doesn't realize he's been de-aged to seventeen until the second day.
  • Only averted in a CG at the start of the game, and in Lena's good ending, showing an adult Semyon and Lena living together as a family, with Semyon's aged hairstyle properly showing his eyes.
  • Eyes Out of Sight: His eyes are always covered by his bangs.
  • He specifically refers to himself as the camp's leader, indicating that he has gotten control over his Dream Weaver powers.
  • In the Zhenya DLC, Semyon is able to return to Sovyonok, track down the real Zhenya, and get her to the last real incarnation of himself so she could help him escape at long last.
  • Can potentially bring any of the girls into the real world at the end of his week at Sovyonok, including Yulya.
  • Naturally, Miku is initially shocked at this, but lets it slide as she also developed romantic feelings for him.
  • Happens in the good ending of Miku's route, with Semyon pulling her in for a surprise kiss.
  • Semyon and Alisa kiss in the latter's ending during the modern era's winter season.
  • A thirty-something transported back in time and space from modern urban Russia to a Soviet-era Young Pioneers camp out in the distant countryside.

    Everlasting summer alisa